Sunday, 4 August 2013

Top Ten Largest Lakes in the World

The Ten Largest Lakes of the World

RankName, LocationArea (sq. miles)Length (miles)Max. Depth (feet)
1. Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan-Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran (salt water) 152,239 745 3,104
2. Superior, U.S.-Canada 31,820 383 1,333
3. Victoria, Tanzania-Uganda 26,828 200 270
4. Huron, U.S.-Canada 23,010 247 750
5. Michigan, U.S. 22,400 321 923
6. Aral, Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan 13,000 266 223
7. Tanganyika, Tanzania-Congo 12,700 420 4,708
8. Baikal, Russia 12,162 395 5,712
9. Great Bear, Canada 12,000 232 270
10. Nyasa, Malawi-Mozambique-Tanzania 11,600 360 2,316
Note: The Caspian Sea is called "sea" because the Romans, finding it salty, named it Mare Caspium. Many geographers, however, consider it a lake because it is land locked.

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